8:46 Fortunate Son Creedence Clearwater Revival Level: Genre: Skills: Double stops, Power chords, Slides, Strumming
10:43 Seven Nation Army The White Stripes Level: Genre: Skills: Minor scale, Palm muting, Power chords
14:10 Tush ZZ Top Level: Genre: Skills: 12 bar blues, Blues shuffle rhythm, Palm muting, Power chords, String muting
14:45 Creep Radiohead Level: Genre: Skills: Arpeggios, Barre chords, Power chords, Scales, Strumming patterns
13:38 You Never Can Tell Chuck Berry Level: Genre: Skills: Chord changes, Major scale, Power chords, Rock & Roll rhythm
14:15 Jailhouse Rock Elvis Presley Level: Genre: Skills: Alternate picking, Barre chords, Power chords, String muting
11:58 Smoke on the Water Deep Purple Level: Genre: Skills: Double stops, Power chords, Slides, Strumming patterns
11:37 When I Come Around Green Day Level: Genre: Skills: Alternate tuning, Power chords, Strumming patterns