13:18 Are You Gonna Go My Way Lenny Kravitz Level: Genre: Skills: Barre chords, Funk guitar rhythm, Ghost strum, Lead guitar techniques, Muted strumming, Palm muting
21:11 Mad World Gary Jules Level: Genre: Skills: Arpeggios, Chord changes, Ghost strum, Open chords, Pushed chords, Strumming patterns
16:11 California Dreamin’ The Mamas and the Papas Level: Genre: Skills: Chord changes, Chords, Ghost strum, Strumming
12:49 Times Like These Foo Fighters Level: Genre: Skills: Chord changes, Ghost strum, Open chords, Strumming patterns
18:13 Plush Stone Temple Pilots Level: Genre: Skills: Barre chords, Ghost strum, Open chords, Strumming patterns
8:01 Fly Away Lenny Kravitz Level: Genre: Skills: Barre chords, Ghost strum, Power chords, Strumming patterns
17:43 Banana Pancakes Jack Johnson Level: Genre: Skills: Barre chords, Ghost strum, Percussive slap, Strumming techniques