This website is brought to you free by TheGuitarLesson.com, your source for beginner guitar lessons and easy guitar songs.
The database features almost 50,000 song files from over 6,000 artists and groups, which pretty much guarantees that you’ll find whatever song your searching for.
Using the database, and downloading whichever song you want is completely free, and doesn’t even require registration.
How to use our Guitar Pro Tabs database:
- If you know which Guitar Pro Tab file you want to download, simply search for it by typing the name of the song and artist into the search box above.
- If you just want to browse, click on the category listings in the navigation menu above, which takes you to the database of all artist names beginning with that letter.
- Once you find the Guitar Pro song file you want, just click on the download button.
- Head on over to our guitar lesson blog if you want to purchase Guitar Pro at a discount.
- And remember, if you want to teach yourself guitar, you know where to go.