How can I watch your free video guitar lessons?

By registering on our site and creating a free account, you'll get access to 10 free basic guitar lessons. Simply register (or log in if you already have an account), and you will automatically get access to the basic guitar lessons.

Do I need to install any special computer program to watch your lessons?

No, our lessons stream in HTML5 video, with a Flash fallback for older browsers. Flash requires Adobe Flash to be installed on your PC or Mac. All lessons are streamed from our website, you simply go to the lesson you want to watch and press play.

How can I access the video guitar lessons on songs?

To access our premium guitar lessons on popular songs, you need to become a premium member. Our membership packages can be purchased for as low as $1, which grants you access to every single lesson on our website. We also have a satisfaction guarantee, which means that if you are not satisfied with our lessons, simply write us why and we'll refund 100% of your money back immediately.

How do I sign up for a premium membership?

If you want get access to all of our premium video guitar lessons on popular songs, you need to do 2 things:

  1. Create an account, or if you already have one, log in.
  2. Go to the membership page, choose your membership type (3 day trial, monthly, 3+1 month, 6+3 month), than click on the "Access PREMIUM Lessons" button. You will be taken to PayPal, where you can pay through a number of ways (bank card, eCheck, money transfer, etc.). Once your payment is complete, you will be returned to our site, and instantly have access to all of our video guitar lessons.

Help, I can't log in!

If you know your account name and password, you should be able to log in from our homepage, or the login form. If you can't, it probably means you are misspelling either your account name or password. If you forgot your password, you can request a new password (you'll need to enter your account name or email address).

How do I get the Guitar Pro discount code?

After becoming a premium member, you will instantly be mailed a welcome letter, which will include the discount code. If it seems like you didn't receive it, check your spam folder.

I don't get any mails from your website!

This can be a result of 2 things:

  1. Our mails are being marked as spam by your email client. You'll need to check your spam folder, and mark our mail as safe.
  2. You initially entered a wrong email address when you registered. Log in, go to your account settings, click on the "Edit" button, and you'll be able to change your email address there.

Where can I download the tablature and jam tracks to the songs you teach?

Once you become a premium member, you will automatically see the link to the tablature and jam track on every lesson page under the video window.

How can I get taken off your mailing list?

We periodically send tips and useful thoughts on learning and playing the guitar. We hate spam, and will never give your contact details to anybody. If you don't want to receive any more email from us, simply reply to any of the emails we sent, and tell us.

How do I cancel my membership?

We'd hate to see you go, but if you want to cancel your membership, you can do so at anytime on our website, or directly in your PayPal account.

  1. Log in to your account on, and click the "My account" link on the left hand side of the page after logging in. On the next screen, you will see your current membership details, and on the bottom, click "Unsubscribe". This will take you straight to your PayPal account, where you can cancel your membership.
  2. Alternatively, you can go straight to your PayPal account, and cancel your membership in your transaction log.

I have a guitar related question, who can I turn to?

You can write Tom Fontana directly through our contact form. Tom will answer as soon as possible, usually within a couple of hours.

I have a technical question, who can I write?

Write us through our contact form, and we will answer your question within 24 hours.


  1. Hi Tom,

    Just wondered if you offer any other music lessons as well as guitar? Specifically, looking for some Bass Guitar lessons as well. I just signed up now, your site looks great and you come across as someone who loves teaching others this incredible instrument. Just so ya know I am one of those guys who have picked up the guitar many times throughout the years. After starting out great I always slack off and slowly the guitar ends up back in the closet and Im left no closer to playing some songs then when I started! It’s complete mental f@&kery! I really want to stick with it but I say this every time! I’m hoping that maybe you will be able to get through to my head and I will finally progress and learn some songs.
    Thanks for now Tom!🎶🎙️🎸🎼🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸

    1. Hi there, glad you are strumming again. Never leave your guitar in the closet, it should be out in sight so you pick it up every day 🙂
      I only have guitar lessons, no bass. Thinking of doing uke though.

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